Greetings, Sleep Dweller! My name is Circles, and this webpage is my little corner of the internet! Inspired by one of my closest friends, Sadness, I wanted to share my world with you all too. The internet can be a really amazing can create a fictional version of yourself, a version that describes you...represents you...IS you. It will exist forever, long after you're gone, as long as there is a server running. In all reality, the internet is like a digital time capsule.
All the deep thoughts aside, I hope you enjoy your time here! Hopefully you'll find some cool things to check out (I mean, I think they're cool...otherwise they wouldn't be on this page!), learn some things, and get to know a bit about this rando on the internet.
Circles ♥
All the deep thoughts aside, I hope you enjoy your time here! Hopefully you'll find some cool things to check out (I mean, I think they're cool...otherwise they wouldn't be on this page!), learn some things, and get to know a bit about this rando on the internet.
Circles ♥